Quick Help

For the contact phone number you may enter a DSN, a commercial or a cell phone number. Please be as specific as possible when describing your event.

Note reoccurring dates in the Event/Program Details section; specify if the event occurs daily, weekly or monthly.

Not an FSS Facility?
Please contact the Force Support Marketing Department at (580) 213-6459 for print & promotion questions.

Required fields are marked with *.

Sponsorship Requests
must be submitted THREE MONTHS PRIOR to event date. Only FSS Facilities are eligible to receive Commercial Sponsorship.

(Please click here in order to fill in the Sponsorship Request Form)

Studio 71 Projects
Please allow 2-10 business days for your order to be completed. Completion time depends on the type, size of the order and the current workload for FSS projects. Any request less than five business days may be charged a $10 RUSH fee. Studio 71 is open 0800-1600 Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays and during basewide events. Please note, FSS projects take priority and your request will be processed accordingly. See Marketing Director for details. (Rates are subject to change without notice)

(Please click here to place a Studio71 Order)

Submit a Ticket

Marketing Request

Complete the order form below. All * must be checked or answered NA. Please allow 2-10 business days for your order to be completed. Completion time depends on the type, size of the order and the current workload for FSS projects.

Print Order Request

Complete the order form below all * must be checked or answered NA. Please allow 2-10 business days for your order to be completed. Completion time depends on the type, size of the order and the current workload for FSS projects.  Please go to https://www.vanceafb71fss.com/studio71  for Student Publications options. 

General Information
Further Details
If your request is NOT an event, pls put N/A in the fields that do not apply. Also, pls type all special directions in the Event Details section.
Type Quantity, kind & Value
List specific items and suggested vendors. Type Quantity, Kind & Value
Type specifics
Type # of people, kind of food and specific items
Type specifics
Type Item & Item Cost
Which of these is not an animal: chicken, spider, shirt
Before submitting please make sure of the following
  • All necessary information has been filled out.
  • All information is correct and error-free.
  • FSS Marketing Promotional Package is mandatory for EVERY EVENT OR PROMOTION. Activities will only be charged for additional items ordered..
We have:
  • recorded as your IP Address
  • recorded the time of your submission

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